Want an easy way to get things from your Wish List slowly and affordably—and some of it even for free?! Then join my Stampers 10 Club! This is even for you out-of-towners!
What do I have to do?Place an order totaling $15 or more each month for 10 months!
How does it work?There will be 10 people in the “Stamper's 10 Club” and the club will last for 10 months. Since there are 10 people spending at least $15, every club order is guaranteed to total $150 -- the minimum order amount needed to earn free stamp sets and products from Stampin' Up! Since there are 10 people and 10 months, this allows each of the club members to take a turn picking out free product.
Which 10 months? August 2009- May 2010.
How and when do I get orders to you?Call or e-mail me with your order by the 8th of each month. Payment is also due that day and can be paid with cash, check, or credit card.
Do I have to attend anything or host a workshop?No! You are under no obligation to attend or host anything! Of course, you can if you want to!
Can my purchases be made at someone else’s workshop or for a card party?
Unfortunately, no. This club is being counted as a workshop, so it can’t count towards another workshop. The $15 can only be spent on Stampin’ Up product from the catalogs, so it can’t count towards a card parties.
Any other perks for being a Club member?YES! You’ll receive all the mini catalogs in the mail for free. And you’ll receive 1 Club Card per month with your order. This Club Card is a project included with your order to keep you inspired and get your creativity flowing.
I live out of state or long distance. Can I still be in the “Stamper's 10 Club”?Absolutely!! You will just be charged an additional $5 per month to help with the extra shipping costs.
Send me an email as soon as you decide this is a club for you. The club will begin August 1st, so hurry!